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Pinnacle Approach


  1. Power check (OGE hover at safe altitude near site)

  2. Establish orbit

  3. Verbalize AWOTFEEL

Altitude/Airspeed (usually 500 agl/65 kts)

Winds (direction/speed)

Obstacles (wires, cacti, fences, people, drones)

Turbulence (mechanical, leeward side)

Forced Landing Areas (engine failure, identify options)

Entry (Cardinal direction)

Exit (Cardinal direction)

Landing site (slope, rocks, mud, dust/brownout, sun)

  1. Make a go/no go decision (consider personal minimums)

  2. Extend downwind, perform landing check

  3. Establish descent, then turn base and final


  1. On final, confirm no wires, obstacles, or adverse winds

  2. Confirm go/no-go decision

  3. Don’t make the angle steeper than the spot requires

  4. Go-around if needed


  1. Choose flattest spot (be cautious of tall, dry grass and fire potential)

  2. Confirm disk and tail clearance

  3. Use slope landing technique as required

  4. Check footing at 15” MP with slight left/right pedal and fore/aft cyclic

  5. Collective all the way down, cyclic neutral

  6. Pax exit downhill, however full shutdown is recommended


  1. Check MP limit charts

  2. Consider winds and safest takeoff path (forced landing options)

  3. Takeoff check

  4. Clear left/right/above and skids

  5. Max performance as required

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